2018/1/21 Practical and Effective Classroom Strategies to Foster the 21st Century Minds
迎接2018,CLDTA特邀請剛在ACTFL中獲頒the Teacher of the Year殊榮的金瓔老師以及在San Leandro高中任教的Jonathan Fall 邱智泉老師為會員老師們帶來豐富的課堂活動實例與操作,應用在聽、說、讀、寫的各項教學之中。
Qiu Laoshi's Bio: Jonathan Fall is currently teaching his second year of Mandarin Chinese at San Leandro High School in San Leandro, where he teaches Mandarin 1, 2, and Mandarin for Chinese Speakers. He graduated from Stanford University's Teacher Education Program (STEP) in 2016. He has given presentations at the Chinese Language Education Forum (CLEF) and the California Language Teachers Association (CLTA) Conference.
Ying's Bio: Ms. Ying Jin has more 20 years Chinese language and culture teaching experience in diverse settings. She is currently teaching at the Fremont Union High School District in Cupertino, California. Ms. Jin was awarded 2018 Language Teacher of the Year from ACTFL, 2017 Teacher of the Year from SWCOLT, and 2016 Teacher Of the Year from CLTA (California Language Teachers Association).Ms. Jin has MA degree in Educational Technologies from San Francisco State University, and BA degree in Chinese Language and Literature from Peking University, China.
時間:2018年1月21日(星期日) 下午一點至五點 地點:Berryessa Library (3355 Noble Avenue, San Jose, CA 95132) 費用:會員免費(請各位繳交2018年會費$40),非會員單次活動費$15